My Studies

civil studies

  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (10/25/1986) reporting a score of 110/110.
  • Qualification as Surgeon at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
  • Specialization in General Surgery at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (26.11.1991) bringing the vote of 70/70 cum laude.
  • Specializing in Reconstructive Plastic Surgery at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (5.11.1996) bringing the vote of 70/70 cum laude.

Military Studies

  • 95 th Corso AUC of the Army Medical Corps at the School of Military Health of Florence (5:05. – 31.07., 1987) making it suitable to the rank of Lieutenant complement ranking 63rd out of 347.
  • 41 th Course Application for Lieutenants in spe at the School of Military Health of Florence (07:01 to 15:07., 1991) and finished 28th with a score of 26.6 on 63/30 and appointed Lieutenant with seniority absolute August 8, 1990.
  • 21 th Refresher Course for Professional and Technical Officers of the Army Corps Logistics (APULT) at the Army War College in Civitavecchia (13:10. – 20:12., 1997) reporting the status of “Excellent”.

Courses, Conferences, Conventions

  • Specialization course as an observer at the Institute of Surgical Research of the Army of the United States of America Fort Sam Houston San Antonio Texas USA from 1 to 20.10 . , 2000.
  • Organizer and speaker at the round table ” Burns and Biotechnology ” held in Rome June 23, 2001
  • Advanced Trauma Life Support ATLS course attended at the Policlinico Gemelli in Rome from 28 to 30.11.2002 with conferment of the Award of the American College of Surgeons in Chicago USA .
  • Speaker at the 16th Training Course on Disaster and Emergency Medicine . San Marino 25 to 28 November 2002.
  • Speaker at the Course ” The radiological emergencies ” Frascati – Rome May 13, 2003 .
  • Organizzatore e relatore del Corso di aggiornamento “Il management terapeutico del paziente ustionato” Roma 13 giugno 2003
  • Speaker at Refresher Course of the Italian Society of Burns ( SIUST ) “The treatment ‘s clothing, serious” Firenze 27 March 2004.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health on the 2nd Congress of the World Union Healing Society ( WUHS ) . Paris, July 2004.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health Course “Plastic surgery in major emergencies.” Padova 29 October 2004.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health at the 16th National Congress of the Italian Society of Burns ( SIUST ) . Palermo 4 to 6 November 2004.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health Training Course ” Emergencies on the new battlefield” Padua October 13-15 , 2005.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and Healthcare Military on the 56th National Congress of the Italian Society of Plastic Surgery. Genoa 21 to 24 October 2005.
  • Organizer and speaker at the theoretical and practical course ” rational approach to the use of technologically advanced dressings in acute and chronic wounds .” Rome May 27 to 28 , 25 to 26 November 2005.
  • Course Organization and Management for Medical Officers and Managers Course Planning and Management Control organized by the School of Business Administration at Bocconi University in Milan from 12.04. to 27.10.2005 .
  • Intensive Reconstructive Surgery Outcomes of Burn attended at the Clinique de Turin Paris – France – and taught by Prof. JM Rives by 19:06 . 02.07 . , 2005.
  • ATLS Refresher Course held at the Policlinico Gemelli in Rome 2006.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and Healthcare Military 1st National Congress Co.RTE Italian Conference for the Study and Research on ulcers , sores , wounds and Tissue Repair held in Rome from 1 to 03/03/2006 .
  • Course organizer and speaker at ” The skin lesions complex in infants and children .” Rome March 24 to 25 , 21 to 22 April 2006.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and Health for Military 16th Conference of the European Wound Management Association ( EWMA ) . Prague 18 to 20 May 2006.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health at the XIXth Congress of the Italian Society of Geriatric Surgery . Roma 14 to 16 September 2006.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health at the 17th National Congress of the Italian Society of Burns ( SIUST ) . Udine 12 to 14 October 2006.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health Course “Skin and blood vessels in pediatric surgery ” Bambino Gesù Hospital , Palidoro 24 to 26 May 2007.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health Congress of the Italian Association for Cutaneous Ulcers ( AIUC ) . Genoa 12 to 15 September 2007.
  • Coordinator of several CME courses on Management of acute and chronic wounds in the years 2005-2007.
  • Speaker of topics related to the Military Health al17 th Congress of the European Wound Management Association , held in Glasgow, Scotland from 2 to 5/5/2007
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health on the 2nd National Congress Co.RTE Italian Conference for the Study and Research on ulcers , sores , wounds and Tissue Repair . Rome 1 to 3 March 2008.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health on the 3rd Congress of the World Union Healing Society ( WUHS ) . Toronto 4 to 8 June 2008.
  • Speaker of topics relating to the Military Health Congress of the Italian Association for Cutaneous Ulcers ( AIUC ) . Rome 24-27 . September 2008.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health to the 18th National Congress of the Italian Society of Burns ( SIUST ) . Taormina 2 to 4 October 2008.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health Nursing at the V National Congress of the Association for the Study of Wound Care ( AISLeC ) . Naples 13 to 15 November 2008.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health Training Course ” Biomaterials in advanced wound dressings .” Rome 4 to 5 December 2008.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health to the ” First International Workshop on Wound Technology”. Paris, January 18-19 2009.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health Scientific Conference ” Organization and sanitary procedures pitched 1st level .” Roma 16 to 18 September 2009.
  • Speaker and chairman of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health ” 38th World Congress on Military Medicine .” Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia 4-9 October 2009
  • Speaker of topics relating to the Military Health Congress of the Italian Association for Cutaneous Ulcers ( AIUC ) . Rome 24-27 . September 2009
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health 3rd National Congress Co.RTE Italian Conference for the Study and Research on ulcers , sores , wounds and Tissue Repair . Rome 2 to 4 March 2010.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health at the 20 ^ Conference of the European Wound Management Association ( EWMA ) . Geneva – Switzerland 26-28 May 2010
  • Speaker and Moderator at the First Congress of the Italian Association Inter- Roma 7-8 June 2010 Cutaneous Ulcers
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health at the 50th Congress of the International Society of Burn Injuries ( ISBI) . Istanbul, Turkey 21 to 25 June 2010.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and Health for Military 21st Conference of the European Wound Management Association ( EWMA ) . Brussels – Belgium 25 to 27 May 2011.
  • Organizer and speaker and organizer of topics related to Wound Care and Healthcare Military 1st Congress of the International Society for Pediatric Wound Care ( ISPeW ) . Roma 27 to 29 October 2011.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health 3rd National Congress Co.RTE Italian Conference for the Study and Research on ulcers , sores , wounds and Tissue Repair . Rome, March 1-3 2012.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and the Military Health Expert Conference on Civil Military Cooperation : Enhancing Combat Trauma and Disaster Medical System Management Capacities . Naples 12 to 14 September 2012.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care e Military Health all’Interannual Meeting dell’International Society for Pediatric Wound Care (ISPeW), Miami USA 14-15 nov 2013.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care e Sanità Militare al “40th World Congress on Military Medicine”. Jeddah – Saudi Arabia 7-12 dic 2013.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and Military Health al 6th International Workshop on Wound Technology. Paris – France 19-21 jan 2014.
  • Speaker of topics related to Wound Care and Military Health alla 24^ Congress della European Wound Management Association (EWMA). Madrid-Spain 14.16 may 2014.

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